Vertoro – CFO/ COO


Vertoro aims to speed up the green revolution by offering a bio-based alternative to fossil resources. Vertoro’s green gold is bold and will prove invaluable to the future of the planet.

Vertoro was founded in 2017 as a spin-off from Chemelot InSciTe and is based on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus (Geleen). It produces Goldilocks® exclusively from sustainably sourced forestry and agricultural residues by means of a patented thermochemical process. Like fossil oil, Goldilocks® can be used as a platform for fuel, chemical and material applications.


 The CFO/COO will play a critical role in charting the path towards future growth and success of Vertoro. (S)he will professionalize the (financial) infrastructure that will serve as the foundation for the company’s growth and build a first-class, data-driven organization that improves decision making.